welcome... to my wonderful abode! here you will find all sorts of trickery afoot, but at the end you will be rewarded with-
hold on, I shouldn't to be so hasty to reveal it just yet! that would defeat the whole point of the winding labyrinth at least, and the trick mirrors would definitely get more boring. go figure it out yourself first!
it is a dark night, well past any reasonable time to be awake. all the lights are out, every door and window shut, all but one. you vow never to investigate again.
anyways! I'm hailey, as you've probably guessed by now, and I'm really cool, as you might have noticed, and I'm so so so fluffy, as you probably did not notice but absolutely deserves mentioning. uh what else.
so I'm just here to be a friend really, no deep purpose or crazy shennanigans going on like some people. I think I'm pretty good at that! oh, originally I was supposed to be a fox or something but I kind of just wasn't feeling it, so...
I won't front much on my own, but you can always say hi and I'll get back to you sometime! people are fun :3